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The Spanish Love Deception

Verfasser/in: Suche nach diesem Verfasser Armas, Elena
Verfasserangabe: Elena Armas
Jahr: 2021
Mediengruppe: B.Bell.Erw/L..narr.a


Zweigstelle: Realg. TFO Meran Standorte: Arma / Englisch Status: Verfügbar Vorbestellungen: 0 Frist:


Catalina Martín desperately needs a date to her sister`s wedding. Especially when her little white lie about her American boyfriend has spiralled out of control. Now everyone she knows - including her ex-boyfriend and his fiancée - will be there.
She only has four weeks to find someone willing to cross the Atlantic for her and aid in her deception. NYC to Spain is no short flight and her family won't be easy to fool... But even then, when Aaron Blackford - the 6'4'', blue-eyed pain in the arse - offers to step in, she's not tempted even for a second. Never has there been a more aggravating, bloodboiling and insufferable man.
But Caralina is desperate and as the wedding gets closer the more desirable an option Aaron Blackford becomes.


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Verlag: London, Simon & Schuster
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ISBN: 978-1-398-51562-8
Beschreibung: 468 Seiten
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Sprache: englisch